Wednesday, July 18, 2018

2018 NH Moose Permit Auction Now Open

The Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire announces the launch of the 2018 NH Moose Permit Auction, its primary fundraiser to support the programs of the NH Fish and Game Department. Official bid guidelines and documents can be downloaded from the Foundation’s website at or by calling (603) 496-2778. Sealed bids are due by August 10, 2018.

This year marks the tenth annual auction run by the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire. The Foundation is authorized to auction only one permit this year, in line with statewide moose population goals. The highest bidder in the auction will receive a 2018 New Hampshire moose hunt permit, as well as a 2018 New Hampshire general hunting license. Last year, the auction garnered bids from three states, with a winning bid from Massachusetts of $20,999.99.

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