With the winter blowing into New England with a fury we were able to get out on the ice this past weekend. We had been checking different bodies of waters all week long and making a judgment as to which one was going to be ready for our ice fishing trip. By Thursday of last week there wasn’t goin

g to be too many options as many lakes still had open water areas or the ice was only an inch or two thick. The lake that we decided to go to had around 4 inches in the back bay as this area had froze over much sooner than the rest of the lake. The ice was clear and black and there wasn’t any sound of cracking at all. We had our spud bar to keep checking the ice as we walked as well as wearing a life jacket just in case. The temp was going to be around 40 for the day and was warm enough that we didn’t need to use the ice house. Other than being a very nice day out on the ice, the fishing wasn’t that great. Over the course of the day we drilled 50-60 holes from shallow water to the deepest water in the area and was only a few times that we were actually were marking fish on the Vexilar. If it wouldn’t have been such a nice day, it would have made for a long day but just being on first ice for the year makes up for not catching to many fish. We caught a couple of perch and one nice sunfish but were unable to find any crappies. The fish that we did mark on the Vexilar were all on the bottom and came up to our bait as there wasn’t any suspended schools that we could find. As we were packing up to leave in the afternoon the main part of the lake started getting water on top again and not sure what the ice conditions are like over there now. Now that we have our first day on the ice in, we are looking at trying a new body of water next weekend and hopefully the results will be much better. Fish or no fish it is great to be out on the ice once again and caution still needs to be taken as the temps are above freezing here for the next couple of days coming.
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