Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Vacationing July 19-26 2008

Summer time brings along with it family vacationing and we were fortunate to embark on our trip heading south. With camper hooked up and pointed in the southerly direction, Virginia was the destination and opportunities were waiting ahead of us. We were fortunate to be able to camp on the Chesapeake Bay and look out at the water from our camper. There was a totally different type of fishing going on there and one that I had found fascinating to sit and watch and learn the how’s and what’s to do to get some of these saltwater creatures.

The campground had some piers that allow the angler opportunities at fishing and crabbing without having a boat. From my observation I didn’t see anyone catching any saltwater fish from these piers and not really sure if they do much or not. The big draw for the angler here is the clamming and crabbing. We didn’t partake in any clamming but made several trips out to do the crabbing. Crabbing is something that all ages are able to do as my 6 year old son became quite the crabber fairly quickly.

There are a few ways that one can catch these blue crabs, a weighted string with a chicken neck tied on, throw out a crab pot and also a string basket laid on the bottom and lifted every so often to see if there are any crabs in the netting. Many crabs were caught but the legal size had to be 5 inches and these were hard to come by for us. Between 6 of us and a few trips out we were only able to catch 3 legal crabs and they are still swimming in the bay. Unfortunately we were unable to catch enough to try these tasty little morsels but that is part of fishing that we all go through.

All in all it was a good vacation, to hot for me, but the kids were able to swim in the ocean which was warmer than they are use to in New England. The drive there was long but we were able to see parts of the country that none of us had seen before. Camping with the family is a great way to stay in touch with your kids and we always look forward to our next trip.

BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors


Rick said...

This is a nice blog you've got going here BWS. I recently took my family to Virginia Beach and it was a great time. We stayed in a hotel instead of camping, and we didn't fish or crab...instead we just let the kids run around on the beach and play in the ocean. It was a good time indeed :)

Kevin Dahlke said...

Thanks for the kind words, we are not much of beach people and after a couple of hours that usually is enough for us, the crabbing kept us entertained a number of nights but not enough to give us a tasty meal...

Michael Thompson said...

sweet pics bws
I use to catch some crabs at my granparents in ft myers, dont remember eating them though.