Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Learn More About Small Game Hunting, Free Seminar
Interested in cooking up locally sourced grouse, squirrel or rabbit in your kitchen this fall? Vermont Fish and Wildlife will be holding a “Small Game Hunting with Dogs” seminar focusing on bird, rabbit and squirrel hunting.
'Take A Hike' On National Trails Day This Weekend
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is teaming up with partners to offer guided hiking tours this weekend as part of National Trails Day. The tours are eligible activities for the Department's annual Great Outdoors Pursuit. Now in its ninth season, the annual Great Outdoors Pursuit invites families to participate in a broad range of outdoor activities throughout the summer season and earn rewards along the way.
Monitoring Black Racers, The Largest Snake In Maine
Nearly anyone who has spent any time in the woods or fields in their lifetimes has had the eye-opening experience of startling a snake underfoot. This can be particularly shocking if it happens in a part of the country where venomous species dwell.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
DEEP Completes 2017 Catfish Stockings
Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) today announced that for the eleventh consecutive year, one of the most sought after freshwater game fish species in the country, the Channel Catfish, has been stocked into twenty-four water bodies across Connecticut (see list of locations below.)
ATV Riders Reminded of 60” Maximum Width Limit On Portions Of Maine ATV Trail Network
ATV Riders Reminded of 60” Maximum Width Limit On Portions Of Maine ATV Trail Network AUGUSTA, Maine -- Maine has a 6,000 mile ATV trail system, the largest in New England, thanks to the generosity of private landowners who allow the use of ATVs on their land.
Fish and Game's Online Survey: Report Wild Turkey Brood Sightings
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is asking for the public's help in tracking wild turkey broods in New Hampshire this spring and summer. It's easy to take part. The survey will be open on June 1. If you observe groups of turkeys with young between June 1 through August 31, 2017, report your sightings on Fish and Game’s web-based turkey brood survey at
Antlerless Deer Permit Applications Available
Vermont’s muzzleloader season antlerless deer hunting permit applications are now available on Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s website at The deadline to apply for a muzzleloader antlerless deer permit is August 24.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
DEM Kicks Off 9th Annual Great Outdoors Pursuit This Weekend
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) today announced its annual Great Outdoors Pursuit will kick off this Saturday on National Kids to Parks Day with a scavenger hunt and guided hike. As part of the Pursuit, now in its ninth season, families earn rewards for participating in scheduled outdoor events throughout the summer season.
Public Notice: Proposed Public Boat Access Area on Lake Sunapee
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is proposing to build a Public Boat Access Area at its Wild Goose Property on Birch Grove Road in Newbury, NH. An Environmental Assessment (EA) of the project was prepared under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
Sea Lamprey in Connecticut River Drainage
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is reminding anglers and the general public as a whole to avoid disturbing spawning sea lamprey that may currently be found in the Connecticut River and several of its tributaries.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Wade Right in: A Guide to Choosing the Right Fishing Waders
A good pair of waders can be the difference between spending the day with boots full of mud or with dry toes. This article will offer answers to your questions about selecting the right waders to get the most out of your experience on the water.
Choosing The Right Type of Waders For You
There are several different wader designs available to anglers today, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the kind of fishing activity you are involved in or the type of water you fish most often in, you might prefer one over another. The most common types you will see in fly shops and tackle stores are hip waders, waist high waders or wading pants, and chest high waders.
Last Chance to Enter the NH Moose Hunt Lottery
If you haven't submitted an application yet and want a chance to hunt moose in New Hampshire this fall, then you better get moving! The deadline for entering the New Hampshire moose hunt lottery is Friday, May 26, 2017. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is proposing to offer permits to 51 lucky winners for New Hampshire's 2017 moose hunt, which runs from October 21-29. Last year's statewide hunter success rate for moose was 72%.
Keeping an Eye out for Turtles
It’s springtime and Vermont’s turtles on are on the move. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is asking for the public’s help in keeping them safe. Female turtles are looking for places to deposit their eggs, sometimes choosing to lay along the shoulders of roads, which can end tragically.
Monday, May 15, 2017
Spawning Can Take Its Toll On Wild Brook Trout
As my grandfather, the incredible Mr. Henry “Limpet” Obrey used to say: “Never judge a fish until you swim a mile in his fins.” Well… I might have that a little mixed up, but the point I would like to make is that it’s tough to be a wild brook trout.
Celebrate New Hampshire's Great Outdoors with NH Wildlife Journal
Have you ever caught a crappie? If not, it’s time to get in on the nonstop action. You’ll find some tips and tricks for catching this schooling game fish, which is fun on the rod and tasty in the pan, in the latest issue of New Hampshire Wildlife Journal magazine (May/June 2017).
Kids Fishing Events Underway Across Vermont
Over three dozen children’s fishing events are scheduled for May and June throughout Vermont, creating a variety of opportunities for kids and families to enjoy the sport of fishing as well as the state’s natural resources.
Deer Ages Available on VT F&W Website
Hunters who provided the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department with a tooth from their deer can now find out how old their deer was by visiting the department’s website, The department is requesting addition information from hunters who harvested a buck three years or older.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Wild “Orphans:” To Rescue or Not?
Spring and summer are busy times for people and animals. Many animals are setting up territories, building nests, or finding den sites to give birth and raise their young. At the same time, people are spending more time outdoors and the chances are greater that someone may come across a young bird or mammal that may appear to be orphaned or injured. It is normal for many animals to leave their young alone for long periods of time, so your help may not be needed. In all likelihood, the adult is nearby watching and waiting to return.
Enjoy New Hampshire's Free Fishing Day - Saturday, June 3
Take advantage of New Hampshire's Free Fishing Day, Saturday, June 3, 2017. On Free Fishing Day, you can fish anywhere in New Hampshire -- freshwater or saltwater -- without a fishing license. Plan to get out and enjoy the day fishing with your family and friends. Both state residents and nonresidents may participate. All other fishing regulations must be followed, including season dates and bag limits.
Cliff Tops Closed to Protect Nesting Peregrines
Hiking Vermont’s hillsides is a great way to enjoy a spring day, but the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Audubon Vermont recommend you check to see if the area you’re planning to hike or climb is open. Several cliff areas are currently closed to protect nesting peregrine falcons.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Update: New Location For Public Hearing On Draft Regulations For Fishing, Hunting, Falconry, Recreational Areas
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) will hold a public hearing this month in Providence to discuss proposed changes to regulations governing freshwater fishing, falconry, hunting, and parks and management areas.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Last Call: Moose Photo Survey Closes May 15
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s spring moose survey will be closing soon. The public is being asked to submit photos of moose taken in New Hampshire from May 1 through May 15.
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Brake for Moose: It Could Save Your Life
Remember to brake for moose when traveling New Hampshire roadways. There were 116 moose/vehicle collisions in New Hampshire in 2016; in the last five years the state has averaged 136 per year. The months May through October are high-risk months for encountering moose on the roads, as moose come out to the roads to eat salt during these months.
Antlerless Deer Proposal, Hearings May 11 and 16
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board recently voted on the Fish & Wildlife Department’s proposal for antlerless deer hunting for 2017. Public hearings will be held May 11 in Randolph and May 16 in Manchester.
Friday, May 5, 2017
Registration Opens for North Country Fly-Fishing Workshop
Learn to fly fish while visiting beautiful northern New Hampshire! The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is offering a beginning fly-fishing weekend course called "Fly-fishing, A-Z" on June 3-4, 2017, at Coleman State Park in Stewartstown, NH. The course is presented by the Department’s “Let’s Go Fishing” program. It is open to anyone age 13 and older, however, those 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
DEM Seeks Input On Draft Regulations For Fishing, Hunting, Falconry, Recreational Areas
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) will hold a public workshop and public hearing this month to discuss proposed changes to regulations governing freshwater fishing, falconry, hunting, and parks and management areas.
Read the latest NH Fishing Report
First I want to thank those anglers who responded to my call for help in getting information for this report. Drop me a line anytime at to let me know what’s going on in your fishing world and if it’s timely, I will get in the Fishing Report. It’s spring and the suckers are spawning!
Make Plans to Stay Tick Smart
As more Vermonters venture outside to enjoy warming weather, Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department reminds hikers, hunters and others to be tick smart while fishing, turkey hunting, or watching birds.
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
2016 Testing Shows No Evidence of CWD in NH; Hunters Urged to Avoid Urine-Based Deer Lures
New Hampshire’s white-tailed deer population once again showed no evidence of chronic wasting disease (CWD), based on monitoring data gathered during the 2016 hunting season.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017
Moose Photo Survey Open Through May 15
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s spring moose survey is now underway. The public is being asked to submit photos of moose taken in New Hampshire from May 1 through May 15, 2017.
Learn to Fish this Spring For Free!
Celebrate the arrival of warm weather by attending one of the many MassWildlife Angler Education Program events being held across the state this spring. There are events for adults and for kids and families looking to learn how to fish in a non-competitive environment. Fishing equipment and bait are available to use at most events, and no fishing license is required to participate in the event. Most events are also free to attend. Find an event near you.
Monday, May 1, 2017
With ice-out nearing, Rangeley, Mooselook and Richardson Lakes Should Offer Some Fine Fishing
While the lakes in the Rangeley area are still locked up with ice, open water fishing will begin soon. Based on our records, the average ice-out for Rangeley Lake is about May 3rd, but this year it will most likely linger on for a time after that date. The latest ice-out date for the lake in our dataset (going back to 1979) is May 14, 1992. This spring could be similar to that year.
Keep Wildlife Wild -- Leave Young Animals Alone
With the arrival of spring, many species of wildlife are giving birth to their young. Finding young wildlife can be exciting, but in most cases, even if it appears abandoned, the mother is not far off. If you encounter young wildlife -- even young animals that appear to need help -- the kindest and safest thing to do is to leave them alone and let nature take its course.
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