Wednesday, November 30, 2016

NH Wildlife Officials Warn of Fishing and Hunting License Scam

The N.H. Fish and Game Department is warning consumers of a scam that fools people into paying for a fishing license without actually providing one.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How the Wild Turkey Contributed to Thanksgiving

One of our native wildlife species historically played an important role on Thanksgiving Day. North America’s native wild turkeys were the ancestors of the Thanksgiving turkey on our dinner table.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Enjoying The Bounty Of Your Hunt

Deer hunting in Maine is growing in popularity, and one of the reasons is due to the health benefits and fine taste of venison.

Public Hearing Set for Proposed Winter Free Fishing Day and Other Fishing Rules

New Hampshire would have an additional free fishing day on the third Saturday in January, under rules proposed by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department that will be the topic of a public hearing at 1:30 p.m. on December 6 at the N.H. Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH.

Goose Hunting Season Opens This Weekend

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) today announced hunting season for Canada goose opens this weekend, running Saturday, November 19 - Sunday, November 27. Goose hunting is also allowed Saturday, December 3 - Monday, January 30, 2017.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The 2nd weekend at Deer Camp

Dad, Big Buck Down. “What??” My dad says. Dad, BIG…. BUCK…. DOWN. “I am on my way!”
For many, Deer Hunting consists of family traditions and gatherings and for my family, it is no different. The 2nd weekend of Deer Camp kicks off with the annual Friday Night Prime Rib Dinner down in Aitkin. From there we head off to the McGregor Area to start a weekend full of deer hunting at our Family Cabin.
Saturday morning, I settled into my deer stand only to be faced with a very strong SSW wind gusting up to 22 mph. As I wait for the clear night sky to wake up, I sat there reminiscing about all the deer I have harvested from this deer stand that I call “The Grand Stand”. While I hope today will be the day where I can talk about another successful hunt.

General Firearms Deer Season Begins November 16 DEEP Reminds Outdoor Enthusiasts to Be Safe

Connecticut’s Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) today issued a safety reminder for outdoor enthusiasts as a variety of hunting seasons are currently underway – most notably the opening of the fall firearms deer season, which begins on Wednesday, November 16. Specific deer hunting season information is available on the DEEP website at

Tri-state Snowmobile Weekend Set for January 27-29, 2017

It’s time to start making plans for the New Hampshire-Vermont-Maine reciprocal snowmobile weekend, coming January 27-29, 2017 (Friday through Sunday). The tri-state event gives snowmobile enthusiasts a chance to explore new trails in northern New England.

Muzzleloader Antlerless Permits are Mailed

Antlerless permits for Vermont’s muzzleloader deer season were mailed to recipients on November 14, according to the Fish & Wildlife Department.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

2016-17 winter regulations open Mille Lacs walleye fishing


 Anglers will be able to fish for and keep walleye at Mille Lacs Lake this winter. The winter walleye regulation will allow anglers to keep one walleye between 19 and 21 inches or one longer than 28 inches. The winter walleye season begins Thursday, Dec. 1, and extends through Sunday, Feb. 26, 2017.

Fall Presents Deer Hunters with Bird Watching

For many Vermonters, late fall means time spent in the woods hunting deer. Yet, while sitting patiently in deer stands, or sneaking silently through the woods, hunters also see plenty of other wildlife, including a variety of birds.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Minor Gel Coat Repair

Anyone that owns a fiberglass boat will unfortunately at some point create a scratch, dig a gouge or put a chip into the gel coat. Gel coat is basically like hard paint that covers the fiberglass on the outside layer of your boat and this gives it that nice shiny finish. If this happens to you, don't worry, here is a way to repair that damage and make your boat look new again.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How Dock Fishing, Can Make You a Better Ice Angler

Most people these days, have a "flasher" style fish finder that they use for ice fishing, but when the season is over, they put that flasher away and don't think about it until the temps start dropping again the next year.
However, when asked, numbers of people will say that, “they don't feel like they know what they are looking at”, when they do use it. I have found that by using mine all season long, I am much more comfortable and also a better angler when the hard water season comes back around.

Report Wildlife Law Violators!

Are you aware of a poaching situation? What about trespassing, destruction of property, littering or theft?  Call Operation Game Thief! If you observe someone taking an over-limit of fish, shooting an animal out of season, hunting without a license, or leaving trash in an area where they have been hunting or fishing, let Operation Game Thief know about it.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Rifle Season Hunters Urged to Help Gather Info.

Hunters participating in Vermont’s 16-day rifle deer season that begins November 12 and ends Sunday, November 27 are being asked to help gather biological data.

Watch for Deer on the Roads

Motorists are advised to watch for deer crossing roadways this time of year, especially at dawn and dusk.  Deer are very active right now, as the mating season, or rut, is underway and bucks and does have their minds on other things than traffic!

Monday, November 7, 2016

What means the most

November is here and it has ushered in the cool nights, frost in the mornings and the bucks chasing does. Many of you reading this article share the very same fascination from hanging game cameras in July to the last ice in March. Winter sure brings a strong anticipation for us outdoor enthusiasts. If you’re like me, I can’t sleep the entire month of September with the anticipation of ice fishing, then before you know it, April brings May flowers and the process repeats itself.

Regular Firearms Deer Season Opens November 9, 2016

The opening day of the regular firearms hunting season, a big day for New Hampshire's 58,000+ hunters, will occur on November 9, 2016.

NH Hunting Report - November 3, 2016

According to Deer Biologist Dan Bergeron, deer breeding activity is picking up, so the next few weeks should provide prime hunting opportunities.  With this upswing in breeding activity, some beautiful deer have already been taken in the northern part of the state.  While collecting data at a bio-check station at L.L. Cote in Errol, biologist Andrew Schafermeyer checked several huge New Hampshire deer over the opening muzzleloader weekend.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pre-Rut in MN

In a few days, the men and women in orange will hit the woods of MN in search of the elusive 30 point buck. The week before rifle opener can be full of surprises as young bucks begin to chase does and as an archery hunter, you keep your fingers crossed that the big one might slip up and give you the opportunity you've been practicing for all year.

Salmon Sunday Reminder - Meet Underwater photographer Bob Michelson!

Come explore the life cycle of landlocked salmon at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department's annual "Salmon Sunday" at Pope Dam in Melvin Village on Sunday, November 13, 2016, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Pope Dam is nine miles north of Wolfeboro on Route 109 in the town of Tuftonboro, NH.

The 2017 VT Fish & Wildlife Calendar is Available

Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Vermont Life Magazine announce the release of the colorful 2017 Fish & Wildlife Calendar. Filled with stunning photos of Vermont wildlife, including moose, snow geese, steelhead rainbow trout, egrets, and whitetail deer, the calendar includes photos by many well-known Vermont photographers including Roger Irwin, Mary Holland, and Kurt Budliger.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

An October Tradition...In the Marsh

Having been born and raised in Northwestern Ontario, hunting and fishing were natural fits for me considering the endless opportunities for both. I currently have a serious obsession with smallmouth bass, however, that has not always been the case. As a youngster, fall was the time of year I coveted most. The changing of colors and cool North breezes of October meant only one thing; the annual waterfowl migration was about to hit its peak and I’d be waiting in the marsh when it did.

2016 NH Youth Deer Hunt Weekend Results

Preliminary reports show that young hunters succeeded in harvesting 246 deer during the 2016 Youth Deer Hunt Weekend in New Hampshire, down 37% from the official 2015 total of 391. This unofficial total does not include information from all registration stations.  The 2016 total is below the average since the special youth deer hunt began in 1999.

VT’s Rifle Deer Season Starts Saturday, Nov. 12

Hunters are gearing up for the start of Vermont’s statewide traditionally popular 16-day rifle deer season that begins November 12 and ends Sunday, November 27.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Deer Stand Safety

All across the country, many areas are either into or getting ready for the annual fall deer hunting season. Lots of excitement and anticipation comes with every new season and there are always things that get over looked.

The deer stands that we use, if left in the woods year after year, need to be looked at before every season as well as every time that you use that location. Many parts of the deer stand can either malfunction or just plain fall apart throughout the days left in the weather.

$30,000 in grants available to support Community Tree Programs

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM), in partnership with the United States Forest Service and the Rhode Island Tree Council, today announced $30,000 is available in matching grants to support local tree programs. A Request for Proposals is now open - with a deadline of December 30, 2016. Over the past 24 years, DEM has awarded more than $5 million in grants under the America the Beautiful Tree Rhode Island program.