Celebrate Earth Day by bringing the family to Discover WILD New Hampshire Day -- Saturday, April 18, 2009, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department on Hazen Drive in Concord. Admission is free. This festival is fun for all ages - kids can try archery, cast with the "Let's Go Fishing" program or do wildlife craft projects. See retriever dogs in action, big trout and salmon in a real stocking truck, trained falcons and battling bull moose. Check out gas-saving hybrid vehicles and ideas for conserving energy and protecting our environment. Throughout the day, enjoy ongoing exhibits, presentations, walks and demonstrations. Visit www.WildNH.com for details.
"This is the 20th year for this fun-filled, educational event. The enthusiasm people have for New Hampshire wildlife shows that they care deeply about conserving their environment," said Judy Silverberg, a wildlife educator at Fish and Game. "Join us on Discover WILD New Hampshire Day as we celebrate our wildlife, natural places and outdoor activities."
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fishing Report March 22 2009
Where or where has this ice season gone, as it only seems like yesterday that I was waiting for the ice to form and now it is gone. This past trip found unsafe ice in southern New England but if you drove north there was still ice to be fished. So we headed to New Hampshire for our last ice trip of the 08/09 ice fishing season.
My partner was up for catching anything that would bite and since that was the plan, we were off in search of our quarry. Since the last couple of times out found our area a little slow, we decided to try a different area from recent trips.
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My partner was up for catching anything that would bite and since that was the plan, we were off in search of our quarry. Since the last couple of times out found our area a little slow, we decided to try a different area from recent trips.
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NH Opening Day for Landlocked Salmon/Lake Trout Fishing April 1
Enthusiastic anglers will be out in force on April 1 for the start of the open-water fishing season on landlocked salmon/lake trout-managed lakes -- the true start of spring for many New Hampshire anglers.
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department manages 15 lakes for landlocked salmon: Big Dan Hole Pond, First and Second Connecticut Lakes, Conway Lake, Lake Francis, Merrymeeting Lake, Newfound Lake, Ossipee Lake, Big and Little Squam Lakes, Sunapee Lake, Lake Winnipesaukee, Winnisquam Lake, and Nubanusit Lake. (Pleasant Lake in New London also is managed for landlocked salmon, but is classified as a trout pond, with a 2009 opening date of April 25.)
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department manages 15 lakes for landlocked salmon: Big Dan Hole Pond, First and Second Connecticut Lakes, Conway Lake, Lake Francis, Merrymeeting Lake, Newfound Lake, Ossipee Lake, Big and Little Squam Lakes, Sunapee Lake, Lake Winnipesaukee, Winnisquam Lake, and Nubanusit Lake. (Pleasant Lake in New London also is managed for landlocked salmon, but is classified as a trout pond, with a 2009 opening date of April 25.)
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Monday, March 23, 2009
New Hampshire Let's Talk Fishing
Connecticut Trophy Trout, April 1; Walleye Fishing, April 2
Evening fishing talks by angling experts continue at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department with a repeat engagement of "Fly Fishing New Hampshire's Upper Connecticut River for Trophy Trout" on Wednesday, April 1 2009 (back by popular demand!); and a new session, "Walleye Fishing 101" featuring Fisheries Biologist Gabe Gries on Thursday, April 2, 2009. The talks start at 7 p.m. at New Hampshire Fish and Game headquarters, 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, N.H. Admission is free.
In "Walleye Fishing 101" on Thursday, April 2, 2009, you'll learn year-round techniques for catching open-water walleye in New Hampshire from Fisheries Biologist Gabe Gries, who is N.H. Fish and Game's Warmwater Project Leader. Gries has successfully pursued fish in New Hampshire for the past 30 years, and walleye are one of his absolute passions. Gries will provide tackle and lure suggestions for catching walleye, plus insights on selecting where to fish. He is eager to share his knowledge of fishing techniques, life history and management of a fish highly prized by anglers -- the walleye.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Evening fishing talks by angling experts continue at the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department with a repeat engagement of "Fly Fishing New Hampshire's Upper Connecticut River for Trophy Trout" on Wednesday, April 1 2009 (back by popular demand!); and a new session, "Walleye Fishing 101" featuring Fisheries Biologist Gabe Gries on Thursday, April 2, 2009. The talks start at 7 p.m. at New Hampshire Fish and Game headquarters, 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, N.H. Admission is free.
In "Walleye Fishing 101" on Thursday, April 2, 2009, you'll learn year-round techniques for catching open-water walleye in New Hampshire from Fisheries Biologist Gabe Gries, who is N.H. Fish and Game's Warmwater Project Leader. Gries has successfully pursued fish in New Hampshire for the past 30 years, and walleye are one of his absolute passions. Gries will provide tackle and lure suggestions for catching walleye, plus insights on selecting where to fish. He is eager to share his knowledge of fishing techniques, life history and management of a fish highly prized by anglers -- the walleye.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
New Vermont Walleye Regulation in Effect
A new fishing regulation designed to improve walleye fishing in Vermont took effect in January. The Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board passed the statewide regulation based on recommendations from the public and state fisheries biologists with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. The new fishing rules apply to all waters of Vermont except Lake Carmi, Chittenden Reservoir and the Connecticut River.
Walleye and sauger have an 18” minimum length and a 3-fish combined daily creel limit. The open season is from the first Saturday in May to March 15. Fish & Wildlife Department biologists gathered input at public meetings and through discussions with members of the Lake Champlain Walleye Association before proposing the rule change. The Fish and Wildlife Board also held three public hearings during the rulemaking process. The biologists and most members of the public who spoke believe the new regulation will improve walleye angling in Vermont. Applying the same regulation statewide simplifies Vermont’s walleye fishing rules, helping anglers to understand and obey the law and helping wardens to enforce it.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Walleye and sauger have an 18” minimum length and a 3-fish combined daily creel limit. The open season is from the first Saturday in May to March 15. Fish & Wildlife Department biologists gathered input at public meetings and through discussions with members of the Lake Champlain Walleye Association before proposing the rule change. The Fish and Wildlife Board also held three public hearings during the rulemaking process. The biologists and most members of the public who spoke believe the new regulation will improve walleye angling in Vermont. Applying the same regulation statewide simplifies Vermont’s walleye fishing rules, helping anglers to understand and obey the law and helping wardens to enforce it.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Drive North for Ice
Many anglers across southern New England are getting ready to switch over to open water fishing as the ice season is disappearing very quickly. But for those that are still needing a fix to get onto the ice for some fishing, driving north is still an option to wet a line through the ice. Only an hour away there has been plenty of ice once an access point is found to get on. The northern shores are opening up from the warming sun but other shores especially those that are shaded all day long, take longer to soften up and offer access points. The lake we are fishing on had 15 inches of ice the last time out there and planning a trip soon again as this may be the last ice trip of the season. Northern NH and ME as well will be offering ice fishing opportunities for a while yet as the forecast isn't showing any great warm-ups coming soon. If you wanting to get in a little more ice fishing yet, drive north and enjoy some of the best ice fishing of the year.
BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
RI Begins Stocking 67,000 Trout in Advance of April 11 Opening
The Department of Environmental Management's Division of Fish & Wildlife announces that the 2009 trout and general freshwater fishing season will begin at 6 a.m. on Saturday, April 11. More than 20,000 anglers are expected to turn out at dawn on opening day.
Approximately 67,000 two-year-old hatchery raised brook, brown, and rainbow trout with an individual weight of one and a half pounds are being stocked by Division staff in more than 100 ponds and streams for opening day.
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Approximately 67,000 two-year-old hatchery raised brook, brown, and rainbow trout with an individual weight of one and a half pounds are being stocked by Division staff in more than 100 ponds and streams for opening day.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Fishing report March 15 2009
The weekends seem to be getting a tradition of making a run to New Hampshire to do some ice fishing. This weekend was not out of the norm and found us back at the same location we have been fishing much of the winter here. Conditions were very favorable with weather very nice and cooperating to make a great day on the ice.
My son is really enjoying chasing bass through the ice and can’t seem to get enough of it lately and wants to go all the time. His enjoyment other than the fishing side of it is to be able to play around on the ice while the slow periods between fish are happening and I get a great enjoyment watching him having a great time on the ice.
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My son is really enjoying chasing bass through the ice and can’t seem to get enough of it lately and wants to go all the time. His enjoyment other than the fishing side of it is to be able to play around on the ice while the slow periods between fish are happening and I get a great enjoyment watching him having a great time on the ice.
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Fishing report March 10 2009
We are getting to that time of year that the ice trips out are getting fewer by the day. This trip will probably be the last one to this particular lake as the warming weather is doing a number on the ice conditions. What is meant by this is that the ice depth is getting less every day and also the condition of the ice is weakening as well.
Snow has melted off of these lakes and travel is easy once again getting to the areas to be fished. Upon checking the ice it was 5-6 inches thick and the first drilled holes revealed that the ice is in the honeycombing stage and that is not a good sign for longevity of how long this ice will be here.
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Snow has melted off of these lakes and travel is easy once again getting to the areas to be fished. Upon checking the ice it was 5-6 inches thick and the first drilled holes revealed that the ice is in the honeycombing stage and that is not a good sign for longevity of how long this ice will be here.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
“Ladies Only” Home Study Hunter Education Offered
Women are increasingly aware of the many outdoor opportunities Vermont has to offer. With growing interest, comes increasing demand for exposure and training. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is very pleased to announce a “Ladies Only” Home Study Hunter Education class that will be instructed by, you guessed it, a woman.
“We are very pleased to say that we have several very experienced and knowledgeable female instructors in both hunter education and aquatic programs such as Let’s Go Fishing,” said Ann Shangraw, hunter education information specialist. “We’re adding an average of two female instructors a year, and it’s our goal to increase this average. Typically, learning experiences are enhanced for women when taught by women.”
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
“We are very pleased to say that we have several very experienced and knowledgeable female instructors in both hunter education and aquatic programs such as Let’s Go Fishing,” said Ann Shangraw, hunter education information specialist. “We’re adding an average of two female instructors a year, and it’s our goal to increase this average. Typically, learning experiences are enhanced for women when taught by women.”
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Volunteers Needed to Help Stock Atlantic Salmon Fry
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department is looking for volunteers to help stock millions of inch-long salmon fry (young salmon) into the Merrimack River basin, several rivers and streams in the Upper Connecticut River watershed in northern New Hampshire, and the Monadnock region of southwestern New Hampshire's Connecticut River watershed.
The stocking plays a vital role in restoring runs of salmon to New Hampshire's waterways. Fry released in these river systems and their tributaries stay and grow in the rivers for about two years before migrating to the ocean. When the salmon are about four years old, they will try to return to these rivers to spawn.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
The stocking plays a vital role in restoring runs of salmon to New Hampshire's waterways. Fry released in these river systems and their tributaries stay and grow in the rivers for about two years before migrating to the ocean. When the salmon are about four years old, they will try to return to these rivers to spawn.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fishing report March 7 2009
The New England weather is like changing your clothes, one day it is cool and dry, the next day full scale blizzard and then the next summer like conditions. Today was not going to be any different as we had experienced a good amount of snow but today was going to be 50 degrees and spring like weather.
These are the days that I really enjoy being out on the ice as you are not fighting those cold frigid days and rather enjoying the day on the ice. My son was ready to get out there and wanted to go bass fishing again so we headed to New Hampshire in search of large and smallmouth bass.
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These are the days that I really enjoy being out on the ice as you are not fighting those cold frigid days and rather enjoying the day on the ice. My son was ready to get out there and wanted to go bass fishing again so we headed to New Hampshire in search of large and smallmouth bass.
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Vermont's Trout Season Opens Saturday, April 11
Opening day of Vermont’s trout fishing season -- April 11 this year -- is big on tradition. It marks the beginning of another year of memorable angling experiences, alone, or with family or friends, at streamside, or on quiet lakes and ponds.
Early trout fishing provides a great reason to get outdoors, enjoy our warmer weather and try your luck at catching colorful brook, brown or rainbow trout as they become more active.
“This year’s trout season signals the start of another year of enjoyable fishing on Vermont streams and lakes,” said John Hall with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. “Although many lakes and ponds will still have ice, opportunities for good trout fishing will be available at inlets and outlets.”
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Early trout fishing provides a great reason to get outdoors, enjoy our warmer weather and try your luck at catching colorful brook, brown or rainbow trout as they become more active.
“This year’s trout season signals the start of another year of enjoyable fishing on Vermont streams and lakes,” said John Hall with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. “Although many lakes and ponds will still have ice, opportunities for good trout fishing will be available at inlets and outlets.”
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Fishing report March 6 2009
Time to give a small water supply pond a try and it seems the last few years I don’t get to fish here until almost the end of the ice season. Not quite sure why that is but after fishing there I am always ready to come back to it as soon as possible again. This trip was no different than previous ones in the past.
I generally start on the backside and then work my way towards the front as the backside is shallower than the front side. This particular pond gets little pressure as many don’t know that it is fishable and has a good variety of species from bass, pickerel, sunfish and crappies that swim its waters.
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I generally start on the backside and then work my way towards the front as the backside is shallower than the front side. This particular pond gets little pressure as many don’t know that it is fishable and has a good variety of species from bass, pickerel, sunfish and crappies that swim its waters.
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Monday, March 9, 2009
Massachusetts Bass and Fluke proposals to be discussed
MarineFisheries will hold a public hearing on March 23 at 6 p.m. at the Best Western Hotel — Bourne (100 Trowbridge Rd., Buzzards Bay) to gather comments on several proposals affecting recreational fishing for black sea bass and fluke (summer flounder).
Proposals include a reduction in the harvest of black sea bass by increasing the recreational minimum size from 12 inches to 12.5 inches.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Proposals include a reduction in the harvest of black sea bass by increasing the recreational minimum size from 12 inches to 12.5 inches.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Fishing report March 4 2009
Winter doesn’t seem to want to give up its grip on New England and delivered another load of snow at 12 inches. The ice here is starting to give way and some shorelines are getting a little soft and need to watch the points of entry. Throw this latest snow on top and makes for a little tough time seeing what the ice looks like being you can’t see it.
I wanted to take advantage of the ice conditions yet especially at the lake that I was at last week looking for big crappies. This water seems to open fairly quickly as opposed to others and wanted to catch more of these big crappies. You don’t find too many waters that have this caliber of size and I waited to long to try this lake this season so wanted to give it another try.
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I wanted to take advantage of the ice conditions yet especially at the lake that I was at last week looking for big crappies. This water seems to open fairly quickly as opposed to others and wanted to catch more of these big crappies. You don’t find too many waters that have this caliber of size and I waited to long to try this lake this season so wanted to give it another try.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Saturday, March 7, 2009
MARCH FLY TYING in Rhode Island
March 4 through March 25, 2009 – 7pm-9pm
Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commissioner Building
Get ready for the fishing season and start tying your flies! RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife's Aquatic Resource Education program in cooperation with Trout Unlimited Chapter #737 and the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor will be offering 4 fly tying classes in March.
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Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commissioner Building
Get ready for the fishing season and start tying your flies! RIDEM Division of Fish and Wildlife's Aquatic Resource Education program in cooperation with Trout Unlimited Chapter #737 and the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor will be offering 4 fly tying classes in March.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Now is the Time
Spring is in the air and the fish in our lakes and ponds are preparing for this time of year as well. With the warmer temps and longer days, fish are getting ready to move to their spawning areas and moms and dads can get their kids out for the late ice fishing that a waits. Fish are going to be feeding more as they are fattening themselves up for their spring ritual and we as anglers can take advantage of this. This time of year will also produce some of the biggest fish of the year and being in the right spot at the right time; will make for a memorable trip on the ice. But as the temps get warmer, this will bring along with it unstable ice, and caution needs to be taken at all times. If unsure about the ice conditions, then stay off of the ice and either look for a safer pond or lake or it may have been too late to ice fish any longer.
BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
‘A Vermont Fishing Journal’ Airs March 10 on VPT
In anticipation of the upcoming sport fishing season, Vermont Public Television (VPT) will air a new special called “A Vermont Fishing Journal” on Tuesday, March 10, at 7:30 p.m. The 90-minute program is an anthology of Lawrence Pyne’s favorite angling moments from his past six seasons as host of VPT’s popular series “Outdoor Journal.”
An expert outdoorsman, Pyne has teamed up with some of Vermont’s noted fishing experts to share the excitement and scenic allure of a sport that is as varied as the people who enjoy it. He said, “It isn’t just the fish that make fishing in Vermont special. Fishermen are by nature characters, but they are also kindred spirits. I’ve always been impressed by how generous anglers are, whether sharing a favorite fly or a secret fishing hole.”
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An expert outdoorsman, Pyne has teamed up with some of Vermont’s noted fishing experts to share the excitement and scenic allure of a sport that is as varied as the people who enjoy it. He said, “It isn’t just the fish that make fishing in Vermont special. Fishermen are by nature characters, but they are also kindred spirits. I’ve always been impressed by how generous anglers are, whether sharing a favorite fly or a secret fishing hole.”
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New Hampshire Marine Fisheries Volunteers Needed
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department's Marine Division in Durham, N.H., is seeking volunteers to assist them in various field activities this spring and summer.
Volunteers would have the opportunity to assist biologists in activities such as sampling coastal rivers for rainbow smelt during early spring or monitoring coastal fish ladders during the spring and early summer fish migrations. Time commitment would range between 3 and 8 hours per day, depending on the project. Help is needed on both weekdays and weekends.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Volunteers would have the opportunity to assist biologists in activities such as sampling coastal rivers for rainbow smelt during early spring or monitoring coastal fish ladders during the spring and early summer fish migrations. Time commitment would range between 3 and 8 hours per day, depending on the project. Help is needed on both weekdays and weekends.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Fear not Massachusetts, the trout will be restocked in local waters
By Bill Biswanger, Sun Outdoors Writer
The winter has been hard on all of us but none more so than those of us who love to fish for trout. Fish stocks are low in all bodies of water and need to be replenished. So Mass Fisheries and Wildlife, taking a page from President Obama's stimulus ideas, will help rescue us. The Division will start stocking over a half a million trout in Bay State waters very soon.
The half million trout to be liberated consist of brookies to 16 inches, browns to 16 inches, rainbows to 20 inches and some 3,000 tiger trout which will be up to 16 inches but weigh nearly 3 pounds. There will be a good supply of small book trout for our streams to keep most of us happy.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
The winter has been hard on all of us but none more so than those of us who love to fish for trout. Fish stocks are low in all bodies of water and need to be replenished. So Mass Fisheries and Wildlife, taking a page from President Obama's stimulus ideas, will help rescue us. The Division will start stocking over a half a million trout in Bay State waters very soon.
The half million trout to be liberated consist of brookies to 16 inches, browns to 16 inches, rainbows to 20 inches and some 3,000 tiger trout which will be up to 16 inches but weigh nearly 3 pounds. There will be a good supply of small book trout for our streams to keep most of us happy.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
Monday, March 2, 2009
Rhode Island DEM Announces that Greenwich Bay Shellfish Management Area
Will be Open Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings from March 2 to April 30
The Department of Environmental Management announces that the Greenwich Bay Shellfish Management Area will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. from March 2 until April 30. Shellfish harvesting will be allowed only when the area is declared open by DEM's Office of Water Resources, based upon water quality considerations.
The opening is being enacted per RI Marine Fisheries Regulation - 4.10.4. The regulation in its entirety is available on the DEM website, www.DEM.ri.gov, by clicking on Regulations from the homepage, then Fish & Wildlife, then Marine Fisheries, then Part IV Shellfish.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
The Department of Environmental Management announces that the Greenwich Bay Shellfish Management Area will be open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. from March 2 until April 30. Shellfish harvesting will be allowed only when the area is declared open by DEM's Office of Water Resources, based upon water quality considerations.
The opening is being enacted per RI Marine Fisheries Regulation - 4.10.4. The regulation in its entirety is available on the DEM website, www.DEM.ri.gov, by clicking on Regulations from the homepage, then Fish & Wildlife, then Marine Fisheries, then Part IV Shellfish.
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BackWoods Sportsman OutDoors
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